Dear Readers..

Its been almost 7 months since I posted my first post on this blog. 10 blog posts down, and some amazing subscribers later, I think its time I write a bit about myself, so that you get to know me a little better.

Also, I wish to keep this blog interactive and get to know you guys, my readers better.

As for me, I am a 20 something Lawyer from India. I am also a voracious reader & a Yoga lover. I also like meeting new people & learning about different cultures.

I am a lover of Travel stories. Its fun to view the world through someone else’s eyes sometimes. Being transported to someone else’s world.

In my free time, I always find myself reading other people’s blogs. I enjoy it & find it informative at the same time.

More so before taking a trip I find myself reading as many blogs as possible about the destination I am travelling to. I have always found valuable information about what to do, what not to do, unexplored places to see, and other useful travelling pointers which helped me a lot once I landed at my destination.

Being quite a traveler myself, I decided to blog about my getaways as well. Firstly to have my trips documented for myself, my friends and family & also for other travelers , so it can provide them useful pointers should they choose to travel to places I have already been to.

I will be doing a lot of travelling this year. I have already been to Goa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Nagaon, Korlai so far & next month I will be travelling to Bhutan, Sikkim & more. I have almost declared this my year of travel!

This blog is primarily a travel blog, but ever so often I might also write on other topics that I find of interest. If there is something you want me to write about, do feel free to communicate with me via Twitter or my Facebook page.

Thank you my dear readers for choosing to be with me so far, I hope you will stay with me for all my future adventures as well. I appreciate all of you.

Warm Regards,



24 thoughts on “Dear Readers..

  1. Dear Arpita,

    It is great to meet you! You are the first person with the same name that I met on WordPress. I read a few posts and enjoyed them!

    Look forward to reading more from you! 🙂


  2. Arpita, I don’t know how you found my “Three Letters” but I thank you for reading and for the contact. That made it possible for me to find you. We are very different, but I see that you said you like to know different cultures so I’m one specimen! I’m an eighty-one year old Christian retired school teacher in Oklahoma who seldoms travels anywhere, so I qualify on the different. Visit again and I’ll be back.


  3. Hi Arpita,
    Thanks for the visit and follow. You have beautiful pictures here. Thanks for sharing your adventures!


  4. Goa is one of the places on my bucket list–actually many cities in India are on my bucket list. My traveling is limited mostly to France and here in the US. I will enjoy living vicariously through your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Goa is one of my favourite holiday destination in India, I visit it pretty frequently since its pretty close from where I stay. I would love to hear about the Indian cities on your bucketlist & hope you get to visit India soon! 🙂


  5. I completely agree that blogs are a fantastic way of learning about a city before visiting – so much more honest and entertaining than commercial travel guides! India is most definitely on my list of places to visit soon, so I’m really glad I came across your blog.




    Liked by 1 person

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