Delayed Flights & Airport Layovers!

I am sure, one time or the other, most of us have been through this! I have spent many hours at the Airport, sometimes due to my flight getting delayed, other times for a Layover. However, it need not always be a boring affair. There is actually so much you can do with the time you have on your hands! Hell, it can even be a mini trip in itself. Want to know how?

Read on.

Smart Phones to the Rescue


As I mentioned in my In-Flight Travel Essentials post, I never leave for a trip, without a fully charged iPhone. The iPhone or any Smart phone is such a multi-utility device. It comes in handy especially during such times. Use this time between flights or waiting for a flight, to catch up with your favorite Music, Call a friend you haven’t spoken in a long time or update your blog!

Read a Book


I always carry a fully charged Kindle in my hand Bag during flights. What better way to spend time for book-lovers than catching up with the latest work of their favorite author!

Catch up on some Work

For professionals, this time can be utilized to work on the upcoming projects, or whatever pending work you may have. Most airports these days have computers available in the waiting Lounges, if you are not carrying your own.



This is especially for the ladies! Duty Free Shopping! You can buy souvenirs for friends & family back home. Check out the latest gadgets & luxury goods, test out the latest perfumes, Cosmetics or check out the Chocolates section!

Try the Restaurants

If you are a foodie, you can happily spend your time tasting food from amongst the various restaurants or outlets that can be found at major Airports these days. May be you can try some local food or new dishes that you haven’t had the time to try before.


My fellow Coffee lovers 

Spend time at Coffee shops! Airports & Coffee shops go hand in hand. Have a cup of Coffee & relax with a book!

Connect with a Stranger

This might be something you would normally do. But why not? You never know, a fellow traveler might become a friend & you might have amazing stories to tell each other about your travel experiences. This has happened with me a few times. And the the wait did not seem so long then.

Get some Sleep

Recharge your batteries. Travelling over long flights tend to get tiring sometimes. Most Airlines have excellent Lounges for its travelers & are especially accommodating if the flights get delayed. This one time, the Airline I was travelling with even arranged a free dinner for us since the flight was delayed by around 6 hours & it was late.


People watching

One of my favorite things to do. I find Airports very fascinating. You will find people of so many cultures & countries. Every person & culture so unique in its own ways! 

Explore the city

I do not suggest this for a flight delay, but for a layover, sure! You can actually explore the city & have a good time in the process! Remember to not get carried away & lose track of time though!

To be very honest, I quite enjoy my time at Airports. Come on, if you come to think of it. A little bit of reading, some music, shopping & connecting with someone you would normally just pass by, can be quite a wonderful experience if you just see it differently.

May be next time you have a delayed flight or a Layover you will enjoy it a bit, eh?



*Images are sourced from Google.


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35 thoughts on “Delayed Flights & Airport Layovers!

  1. Hey Arpita 🙂

    The airports have such curious mix of food, people, books and flowers. I like them too 🙂

    Nice suggestions 🙂

    Have a nice week ahead.



      1. Your horoscope must have many planets in movable signs: In Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn And/Or Moon/Ascendant in these–makes you a rapidly moving personality 🙂


  2. People watching, reading and blogging would be my top time wasters! You get such a gamut of different people at airports it’s so fun to watch them walk by, making up stories on where they’re going or coming from 🙂


    1. I love People watching, & this is the second comment on this post about making up stories! Cant believe I haven’t tried that 😉 Will try it out this time I travel ! Thanks for the comment 🙂


  3. Airport stories are great, I no longer travel but when I did many airports that I visited produced memorable stories. I like to blog about airports and flying. Your blog is always fun to read and packed with good tips for travel experiences. You share some very interesting information, things I wish I would have known before traveling. 🙂


    1. Thank you so much! May be you will share your stories with us! It will be so interesting to read about them. Travel must have been so different back then !


  4. I love your perspective! Reading this brought back some fond memories from my own travels! It also reminded me of my first travel layover…

    When I was a very young wife…all of 19yrs old…I had to travel by bus to visit my husband during his basic training. A 13 hour bus ride down to Georgia. And this was not a luxury bus! During that trip I had a layover in a station for 3 hours. This was 1982 so my options were limited and I was painfully bored. I was terribly shy but thankfully a friendly woman helped me out of my shell. After that trip I had new found patience for situations arising in life. It was such a valuable experience.

    I wholeheartedly agree! Even in the worst layover situations there are things to learn about ourselves and traveling:)
    Thanks for posting this!! It was a very enjoyable read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, I love it when I hear stories of kindness in the most unexpected places! Your experience was so unique, no gadgets , all by yourself & a 3 hour layover! Thank you for sharing your story! I look forward to interacting with you and reading your posts 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Arrrgh! I’ve missed connecting flights to Australia, France from Dublin AND back to the States. I’ve had my share. I’ve even been on a plane that had landing gear issues and had to make an emergency landing. You bring up good points though. Since there’s really nothing you can do about it, it’s time to explore the airports, read…and people watching is the most fun–other than shopping! Great post! Thank you!


    1. Catherine, you have the most interesting stories to tell! I always look forward to your comments! How did you miss Al those flights! And emergency landing! Good God!


  6. Pretty much what I do during layovers! Most of the time i prefer to read a book, sometimes wander around the duty free shops, i also have this habit of looking at the different people in the lounges and making up stories about them! Sometimes I write down the stories! 😀
    Interesting post, looking forward to reading more

    Liked by 1 person

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