Happy 1st Blog Anniversary!


‘ArpitasTravelogue’ turns One today!

Thank for your Likes.

Thank You for your Comments.

Thank you for your Suggestions.

Thank you for your Award Nominations.

Thank you for your Follows.

Thank you for your Friendship.

Thank you for your Time.

Thank you for your Support.

But Most of all Thank you for the Love.

I am Forever Grateful!


New Blog Announcement!

New BlogDear Readers,

From the very beginning you guys have been so amazing & supportive of this blog. I am incredibly grateful to each & everyone of you! I have loved every moment of the amazing time I have spent interacting with you through your comments!

There is however so much more that I want to share with you guys, which is beyond the realm of Travel.

When I started this blog I wanted to keep it exclusively about Travel & things related to it. And I want to keep it that way.

So I have decided to have another Blog. It will be more of a Personal blog & will have lots of features that I cannot introduce here on the Travel Blog.

I have been working behind ( & not so behind) the scene on the new blog this past few days! Five Posts down, I am ready introduce the Blog to you guys!

Please do join me on the other blog as well. I do hope to continue to have many amazing conversations & share amazing stories like we do here!

It would mean so much to me if you decide to join me!

Please find the link to the new Blog down below!

Here’s Introducing  —— > ‘Arpita’s World‘ !!!


All my love,

Arpita xo

Dear Readers..

Its been almost 7 months since I posted my first post on this blog. 10 blog posts down, and some amazing subscribers later, I think its time I write a bit about myself, so that you get to know me a little better.

Also, I wish to keep this blog interactive and get to know you guys, my readers better.

As for me, I am a 20 something Lawyer from India. I am also a voracious reader & a Yoga lover. I also like meeting new people & learning about different cultures.

I am a lover of Travel stories. Its fun to view the world through someone else’s eyes sometimes. Being transported to someone else’s world.

In my free time, I always find myself reading other people’s blogs. I enjoy it & find it informative at the same time.

More so before taking a trip I find myself reading as many blogs as possible about the destination I am travelling to. I have always found valuable information about what to do, what not to do, unexplored places to see, and other useful travelling pointers which helped me a lot once I landed at my destination.

Being quite a traveler myself, I decided to blog about my getaways as well. Firstly to have my trips documented for myself, my friends and family & also for other travelers , so it can provide them useful pointers should they choose to travel to places I have already been to.

I will be doing a lot of travelling this year. I have already been to Goa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Nagaon, Korlai so far & next month I will be travelling to Bhutan, Sikkim & more. I have almost declared this my year of travel!

This blog is primarily a travel blog, but ever so often I might also write on other topics that I find of interest. If there is something you want me to write about, do feel free to communicate with me via Twitter or my Facebook page.

Thank you my dear readers for choosing to be with me so far, I hope you will stay with me for all my future adventures as well. I appreciate all of you.

Warm Regards,



Singapore – Back again.


I first visited Singapore when I was in school. I must be around 11 – 12 years old. My aunt & uncle were planning to visit for a holiday & being their beloved niece, they wanted to take me along.
It was the most amazing experience of my life. I had such a fun time exploring this amazing city with my two most favorite people in the world.
I can still remember most of the places, the food, the shopping malls & most of all the most amazing people I met on the trip.
Those few days were amongst the most memorable days of my life. That place felt like a home, in a different part of the world.
I still remember I was soooooo sad when the time came to go back home!
When the plane took off & As I caught that one final glimpse of the beautiful Island of Singapore, I promised I’d be back.
And here I am , packing my bags 15 yrs later, to go back , to keep that promise that I made as a little girl 🙂
Tomorrow, I am going back to Singapore.. My home, away from Home!
Singapore, here I Come, back to you again 🙂