Happy 1st Blog Anniversary!


‘ArpitasTravelogue’ turns One today!

Thank for your Likes.

Thank You for your Comments.

Thank you for your Suggestions.

Thank you for your Award Nominations.

Thank you for your Follows.

Thank you for your Friendship.

Thank you for your Time.

Thank you for your Support.

But Most of all Thank you for the Love.

I am Forever Grateful!


Brotherhood of the World Blogger Award!

The Blogging community has always been very kind & supportive throughout my blogging journey. Each award that has been given to me by the community has brought with it such encouragement & inspiration to continue with more enthusiasm! I am so very grateful to the two amazing Bloggers who nominated me for the ‘Brotherhood of the World Blogger Award’!  Thank You so much Francesca & WordsCoffeeandLacedresses for this honor! I will happily receive it & add it my little collection!

You can find the rules here 

Here are Answers to Francesca’s Questions


What prompted you to start blogging?

Travel has always been my most favorite thing to do. I was also greatly influenced by Samantha Brown’s Travel Shows growing up. Viewing the world through somebody else’s eyes is always fascinating. As I started traveling, I thought why not give the world a glimpse into my travels. Its also a great way to document my most favorite places & memories.

If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past, future or not bother?

I would travel back to my childhood & relive it again! It was an amazing childhood.

What triggers your muse?

Mother Nature

Do you have a favorite piece of Architectural brilliance?

The Taj Mahal, India.

When does your Mind come to life, Dusk or Dawn?


Here are the Answers to WordsCoffeeandlaceDresses’s Questions 


Where do you most of your writing and does it help you stay focused?

At my writing desk with a cup of tea in hand, that’s the only place where I can work without a break for hours at a stretch.

Do you prefer music or silence while writing?

I prefer silence

How has blogging benefited you in terms of personal growth?

Its made me more confident in terms of my writing skills. The thing I value most is the love of my readers & my connection with them, its made me more responsible as a blogger to give out quality content.

What is your favorite book?

The Kite Runner – Khalid Hosseni

What do you do when you need to de-stress?

Take a nice warm shower with lavender bathing salts.


I hereby Nominate the following amazing Bloggers for this award!





Reiva geen

Congratulations guys!!!


Here are your questions!

What inspires you the most in life?

Whats your favorite childhood memory?

Whats your favorite book?

If you could spend a day with a famous personality, who would it be & why?

Whats the story behind the title of your blog?

Thank you once again for the nomination & Congratulations to the Nominees, you guys are amazing bloggers & deserve the nominations!

Warm Regards,


Premio Dardos Award!

For any blogger, especially a new one like me, it is always a moment of great happiness when your work is appreciated by your readers and other amazing bloggers. It is a motivation to keep doing our best every time.

I am very happy to share with you guys that after the ‘Liebster Award’, I have now been nominated to receive the ‘Premio Dardos Award‘. I am so thankful to Prei for considering me worthy of the honor.


Premio Dardus’ means Prize Darts in Spanish. The ‘Premio Dardos’ recognises those who transmit cultural, ethical, literary & personal values through writing. I am very grateful to Prei & the Blogging community for the love, appreciation & support they have always shown towards my blog.

Keeping up with the tradition, I hereby nominate the following blogs that I believe to be outstanding & deserve the ‘Premio Dardus’ Award.

  1. Anand
  2. DebbieL
  3. Maddy
  4. Rugwed
  5. FunSimplicity
  6. TheSwedishKiwi
  7. HeatherNotes
  8. AndreaGiang
  9. Emma
  10. Myhongkonghusband
  11. Mary
  12. Jeann
  13. EvelynSmith
  14. FrancescaSmith
  15. CamelliaSentry

The Premio Dardus Award Rules.

Thank the Blogger who nominated you for the Award.

Include the ‘Premio Dardos Award’ Picture in the post.

Nominate 15 blogs that you think are worthy of the ‘Premio Dardus’ Award & Notify them.

I am once again very grateful for the award.

As always Thank you to my amazing readers for their constant support & appreciation.



Dear Readers..

Its been almost 7 months since I posted my first post on this blog. 10 blog posts down, and some amazing subscribers later, I think its time I write a bit about myself, so that you get to know me a little better.

Also, I wish to keep this blog interactive and get to know you guys, my readers better.

As for me, I am a 20 something Lawyer from India. I am also a voracious reader & a Yoga lover. I also like meeting new people & learning about different cultures.

I am a lover of Travel stories. Its fun to view the world through someone else’s eyes sometimes. Being transported to someone else’s world.

In my free time, I always find myself reading other people’s blogs. I enjoy it & find it informative at the same time.

More so before taking a trip I find myself reading as many blogs as possible about the destination I am travelling to. I have always found valuable information about what to do, what not to do, unexplored places to see, and other useful travelling pointers which helped me a lot once I landed at my destination.

Being quite a traveler myself, I decided to blog about my getaways as well. Firstly to have my trips documented for myself, my friends and family & also for other travelers , so it can provide them useful pointers should they choose to travel to places I have already been to.

I will be doing a lot of travelling this year. I have already been to Goa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Nagaon, Korlai so far & next month I will be travelling to Bhutan, Sikkim & more. I have almost declared this my year of travel!

This blog is primarily a travel blog, but ever so often I might also write on other topics that I find of interest. If there is something you want me to write about, do feel free to communicate with me via Twitter or my Facebook page.

Thank you my dear readers for choosing to be with me so far, I hope you will stay with me for all my future adventures as well. I appreciate all of you.

Warm Regards,

