Happy 1st Blog Anniversary!


‘ArpitasTravelogue’ turns One today!

Thank for your Likes.

Thank You for your Comments.

Thank you for your Suggestions.

Thank you for your Award Nominations.

Thank you for your Follows.

Thank you for your Friendship.

Thank you for your Time.

Thank you for your Support.

But Most of all Thank you for the Love.

I am Forever Grateful!


New Blog Announcement!

New BlogDear Readers,

From the very beginning you guys have been so amazing & supportive of this blog. I am incredibly grateful to each & everyone of you! I have loved every moment of the amazing time I have spent interacting with you through your comments!

There is however so much more that I want to share with you guys, which is beyond the realm of Travel.

When I started this blog I wanted to keep it exclusively about Travel & things related to it. And I want to keep it that way.

So I have decided to have another Blog. It will be more of a Personal blog & will have lots of features that I cannot introduce here on the Travel Blog.

I have been working behind ( & not so behind) the scene on the new blog this past few days! Five Posts down, I am ready introduce the Blog to you guys!

Please do join me on the other blog as well. I do hope to continue to have many amazing conversations & share amazing stories like we do here!

It would mean so much to me if you decide to join me!

Please find the link to the new Blog down below!

Here’s Introducing  —— > ‘Arpita’s World‘ !!!


All my love,

Arpita xo